No-deal Brexit preparations gather steam
The DUP has declared again today that it won't vote for Theresa May's deal, so a disorderly Brexit is becoming a distinct possibility, triggering a frenzy of preparations more akin to times of conflict.
The DUP has declared again today that it won't vote for Theresa May's deal, so a disorderly Brexit is becoming a distinct possibility, triggering a frenzy of preparations more akin to times of conflict.
Analysis of Theresa May's faltering Brexit proposal. Interview, Bruce Munro, Global Insight, ODT, 12 December 2018
This video has been amended to remove inaccuracies and some personal information Shahmir Sanni, who worked for the official Vote Leave campaign, today breaks cover to raise concerns that the group behind the knife-edge 2016 vote in favour of Brexit – including key figures now working for Theresa May in Downing Street – may have broken the law by flouting referendum spending rules and then attempting to destroy evidence.
Theresa May tried to sell her Brexit deal to the CBI (represents UK businesses) today. What she said had so many holes I had to tear them open.